
About this site

This site was developed by the Kumamoto Prefecture in order to provide the latest information on COVID-19.

This uses the system of Tokyo's official website for countermeasures against COVID-19.

The goal is to provide easy to understand, publicly available, and unbiased information on the spread of infection in the Kumamoto Prefecture. This allows the residents, companies, as well as visitors to Kumamoto, understand the current situation while having the right information about the necessary precautions and measures.

Produced by: Makoto Sakuragi / Code for Kumamoto

About the period of the availability of the website and its updates

Website will not be responsible in case any user uses the website data in a way that causes, or is likely to cause any damage.
This website is maintained on a best effort basis; therefore, please note that update may be delayed.

Browser compatibility

The following browsers are recommended for viewing this site.

  • Microsoft Edge (Latest version)
  • Mozilla Firefox (Latest version)
  • Google Chrome latest version (Windows 10 or later, Android 8.0 or later)
  • Safari latest version (macOS, iOS)
  • Opera (Latest version)

* Please understand that this website may not display correctly when using a browser that is not recommended, or depending upon the settings of the recommended browser. 

About linking to this site

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Regarding the use of Google Analytics

This site uses Google Analytics, an analytics service provided by Google LLC, to track website activity for site improvement and provision of better services.

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The collected data will only be used to analyze website usage and services improvement , or to create reports for publishers, and only to provide other services. (In the report to publishers, cookies count the number of users of this site on a browser-by-browser basis. And Google Analytics uses the IP address analysis function to determine the geographical distribution of the access source (country, state / prefecture, city))

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Although every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information posted on this site, Kumamoto Prefecture is not responsible for any actions taken by users using the information on this site.

The Tokyo Metropolitan Government will not be responsible for any damage that may occur to a user or damage that the user may cause to a third party, as a result of using this website.

Any information on this site may be changed or deleted without prior notice.

About the source code

The source code of this site is MIT licensed code and can be used by anyone for free. For details: please check the GitHub repository .